Mobile apps are now integral part of almost every business, irrespective of their size and industry.
Now a days about 90 percent of people spent interacting with apps on the mobile device—just over 10 percent is spent on mobile websites.
The rise in mobile-phone usage means that smartphone apps have become a key marketing tool for companies of all sizes, including small businesses. Mobile apps increase engagement with customers. They increase repeat visits, and permit a wide variety of online transactions, including promotions, and ecommerce transactions.
Many small business owners are under the false impression that developing an app requires either extensive coding experience or a lot of money (or both). They are worried about the need to build different apps for the various platforms customers are on – iOS, Android, Windows and Blackberry. They are unsure about building dynamic or static apps, and the difficulty of coming up with an app design.
Most of the small-business owners have a question: “But I Have a Mobile Website, Why Do I Need a Mobile App? ”
Here is the answer:
- Anywhere, Anytime
- Fast, Simple, & Easy
- Developing an app for your business helps you reach many more customers, than with a website.
- A mobile app for your business can greatly contribute to your brand awareness.
- These days mobile apps at the small business level are still rare, and this is where you can take a big leap ahead of your competitors.
- You can use your app as a tool to showcase your products and services. Users visiting your app would then have instant, one-stop access to you.

And there are many features that your app needs to achieve them like:
- Push Notifications
- Geolocation and Map Integration
- Mobile Shopping/Mobile Payments
- Integrated Referral Program
- Social Integration
- One-Touch Contact
Mobile app will definitely help you to save your business, but it can be a way of staying closer to your customers.
Still confuse? We can help you in building apps for your business !!!!!