Apache Cordova is a good option for those who already have a web application and want to port it to the different mobile platforms. You can use your existing HTML/JavaScript/CSS app to build cross-platform mobile application for Android, iOS, and other platforms.
A basic Cordova app gives you a way to launch the app with an HTML page that you use to display your app contents. Cordova is owned and maintained by Apache, and will always be maintained as an open source project.
In essence, Cordova has no limitations in relation to natively developed applications. What you get with Cordova is simply a JavaScript API, which serves as a wrapper for native code and is consistent across devices.
You can consider Cordova to be an application container with a web view, which covers the entire screen of the device. PhoneGap / Cordova is good for prototype, or internal business applications that are add-on to business and not part of the core business.

We are at SoftGrid can develop a light weight Angular JS or Node JS based application that can be wrapped in different apps like android, iphone, blackberry or many other platforms but in this case we develop a lightweight application. This takes development time and is lightwieght but benefit of doing this is, development is done ones and it can be wrapped up in different app platforms. In any future change we need to do change in one app only.
You can create mobile apps quickly and easily with Cordova, but making a successful Cordova app means that the end user doesn’t notice that the app is a wrapped web app.