What are the benefits of deploying mobility solutions in healthcare startups?

In the last decade, the healthcare sector has evolved drastically, and most of the evolution has been made possible by the adoption of digital technologies. The clinics and medical services have gone online, but they are also embracing emerging technologies. Using computer-driven devices and apparatus have made surgeries and operations more accurate. The doctors and medical service providers are resorting to apps to manage and streamline the nuances of treatment, and booking and diagnostics, etc. However, the adoption of AI is the next logical step. So is the deployment of advanced mobility solutions.

How using AI-driven mobility solutions in the healthcare sector is making things better for all

There is no denying incorporating technology in the right ways can make things better in the healthcare sector, both for the service providers and the patients. The benefits include simplification of services, significant cost reduction, quality enhancement, time-saving, etc. 

However, healthcare providers are waking up to the fact that patient engagement isn’t about using specific technology or tools. It is more about deploying a well-planned network or ecosystem of hardware, software, and allied services. When deployed in the right way, this digital ecosystem can offer the patients an enhanced experience. This is where the advanced AI-driven mobility solutions step in. 

A few advanced and reputed healthcare service providers are already dabbling with such sophisticated mobility solutions. The examples include the deployment of a voice-driven platform that lets the patients control the room temperature, lighting, and humidity, negating the need to have human staff around 24×7. 

Similarly, advanced monitoring systems can be deployed in critical care units and clinical setups where patients need to be monitored for health condition changes round the clock. Such systems can also send alerts to the doctors when the condition changes. Giving the patients tablets for communication with the facility staff and equipping their rooms with Smart TVs for recreation is also possible. The patients can also access their test reports and medical history, get alerts for upcoming tests using these devices quickly and smoothly.

The benefits of using advanced AI mobility solutions are not limited to, monitoring patients and alerting doctors. With such solutions deployed, the patient can control part of their healthcare experience, and it gives them both satisfaction and a sense of empowerment while being treated. That explains why the mHealth apps complying with HIPAA norms have become crucial for ensuring patient care quality. 

The significant advantages of deploying mobility solutions at healthcare setups

  1. Paperless record management: In any clinical setup, using a massive amount of medical records becomes necessary. These records keep growing over the years. This is inevitable but shifting to digital record management is what the majority of clinics are opting for. Computerized record storage is not new; using mobility solutions and apps to manage records makes things better for all the parties involved. The patients, doctors, and the staff can access the records anytime they want, without any delay or complication. These include the prescriptions, X-rays, other test reports, medical history, discharge notes, etc.
  2. Digital patient management: The clinical setups opt for sophisticated and AI-driven mobility solutions and apps to manage the patients. Right from the time to admission to releasing the patient, all stages are recorded and managed by the solution. This makes things easily manageable and more streamlined, for sure. For example, the doctors and surgeons can check the upcoming tests and surgeries in the day using the solution. The patients get alerts and reminders for their feeding time and medication etc. The doctors can also get updates on changes in the patients’ health metrics like heart rate and blood pressure quickly. 
  3. Time-saving: Using healthcare mobility solutions is useful for saving time. The doctors and healthcare facility staff always jostle to manage tasks like carrying out tests, diagnosis, preparing reports, etc. By using these apps and solutions, they can save a significant amount of time. They need to spend less time doing routine things manually, and those can be done faster by using these mobility solutions. 
  4. Less physical stress: In any medical facility, the staff must undergo a certain workload and resultant stress. Since the solutions enable the patients to handle certain tasks personally, using voice guidance and finger inputs, the staff’s workload also reduces. The daily but repetitive tasks can be handled by using the solutions. This ensures the staff can focus on more important and complex tasks. The staff working in the night and alternate shifts can have it easier, as it is.
  5. Easier communication: When the AI-enabled mobility solutions are deployed in clinical setups, the communications and interaction between the patients, doctors, and staff is improved. The patients and doctors can use these apps and solutions to interact –smoothly anytime. Physical intervention is not required much for communication, and neither do the parties need to make phone calls for interaction. The patients may communicate their needs to the staff using touch input using these solutions. 
  6. Better handling of emergency: In clinical setups, health-related emergencies can crop up without notice. Patients admitted with critical ailments may experience sudden deterioration in health conditions. When such things occur, the staff can immediately alert the doctors, and speedy interventions can be taken. It becomes easier to take expert consultations or second opinions as well. This can save a life in an emergency.
  7. Better overall experience: When mobility solutions are used in healthcare setups, the overall patient experience is enhanced. They need to rely less on the staff for routine tasks. The accuracy of these solutions is better than manual methods. 

Summing it up

It is only a matter of time before AI-powered mobility solutions are deployed in healthcare setups in a large scale manner. The technology is still evolving, and the cost is a deterrent for small sized medical setups. It is also necessary that a standard for developing and deploying these solutions is determined and approved by global medical entities. 

Posted by Ajay

Ajay is a dynamic author with over 15 years of experience in software development and management. With his vast knowledge and expertise, Ajay offers a unique perspective on industry trends, practical advice, and captivating talks. Dive into Ajay's blog to enhance your skills and stay ahead in the digital world.